29 August 2008

For Your Information...

Signs amuse me. Warning signs, informative signs, traffic signs. For some, no words are needed. For others, some sentiments just don't quite translate. And so, for your entertainment, I present the signs that I enjoyed the most.

In a hostel bathroom in Milan, Italy. In the end, we left the staff behind the reception desk.

In the Paris metro. I think this happens if you fly kites in the tunnels.

In The Netherlands, the signs are sympathetic that you have to put up with 4km of roadwork. Then they are relieved with you that it's nearly over.

Found this in London... it might be advertising the new camel-zebra crossbreed.

I love finding humor on the streets. These five signs are by no means the only humorous ones, but it does make me wonder which American signs European travelers find strange or funny.

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