06 September 2008

Parlez-vous Anglais?

Profuse apologies for my slacker-ish-ness. I have been editing my bazillion pictures and watching World Cup Qualifiers (congratulations to the US and well-played to the Aussies, even though you beat my Oranje (I love the Dutch even more after visiting Holland!)).

For your patience:

Five Lessons I Learned In Europe
  • Always say 'thank you' in the language of the person helping you. People love that.
  • Travel wipes are your new best friend. . .
  • . . .second only to water.
  • Through a language barrier, miming is always more effective than shouting.
  • Even if you learn nothing else before you go, learn basic manners (please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, and help!) and travel vocabulary in the local vernacular and you will end up getting what you want. Usually.

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