08 February 2009

Song of the Alps

Saturday, 9 August 2008

European Adventure Travel Day 7
Gruyères, Switzerland

After our visit to Broc and the chocolate factory, we ignored the imploring of the GPS lady and headed to the nearby town of Gruyères. When we arrived at the foot of the hill on which the town is built, we were directed by policemen to park in a large, green field. We got out of the car and found these tandem skis just lying about. Looks like fun, yeah?

Those who play together die together... right?

We walked up the hill and continued on through the gate and into the center of town, which was absolutely filled with people. We'd stumbled into a festival highlighting the very best Switzerland has to offer--an introduction to the authentic world of Spyri's Heidi.

There were ladies in straw hats behind tables of bread, cheese, cured meat, fondue and cold drinks. Groups of musicians made music in the street, and one man even played a saw. Woodcarvers and wheat threshers demonstrated their crafts, and folk dancers whirled and clapped at the far end of the square.

The activities were interrupted now and again by herds of cows and goats led through the square, all decked out with flowers and bells. The goats especially were popular with the crowds of tourists, and one billy goat made a beeline for the nearest cheese table as soon as his herder was distracted. The cows were better behaved.



The cowbells looked large on the cows, with good reason, but then a cowbell choir marched out, ringing the massive bells with their knees as they walked. In the center of the town, they set them down and let children try to lift bells half their size and ring them.

I need more cowbell!

I love this picture. This man was clutching the flag and yodelling, which is much more beautiful than one might suppose. Yodelling has been stereotyped into something harsh and loud, but it's low and melodic and lovely.

Finally we came upon the highlight of the festival: the Alphorns. Have a wee listen.

Unbelievably cool. I've had the privilege of hearing a single alphorn played when I was younger, but an alphorn concert was really special. I wish I could describe to you how wonderful it was to spend my last day in Switzerland experiencing the way things once were, from the food to the clothes to the lifestyle. It wasn't a display of stereotypes, just an homage to the past. It couldn't have been better if we had planned it, but it was a complete surprise, and a nifty way to remember our time in country. I finally got to try fondue (fabulous!), and I ate Gruyère in Gruyères. =D

One of my favorite photos of the mountain men

Bit of a let-down to get back in the car and head in the direction of Lausanne after that. It amazes me how the unplanned experiences are often the ones that capture your heart.


Melissa Murphy said...


You make me laugh.

Princess M said...



Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Oh wow...love all your pictures!

Princess M said...

Thank you!